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How to change Accountants
We have all been there – sticking with a service because it is the easiest option. Whether its your phone company, bank, or utility provider the thought of going through the paperwork and phone calls can feel overwhelming.

It can be the same with your Accountant, but what if we told you that its quite a simple, and can be a rewarding, process.
The relationship that you have with your Accountant is very important and your business will benefit from having an Accountant on board who you trust, who you feel is on the same page as you and who you feel you can talk to more than once a year and about more than just numbers.
So how do you make the move once you find your Accountant of choice?
Each Accounting practice will have their own processes and procedures; however, will all be similar.
Below is the process that PLH Accountants follow:
- Once you decided that you would like to use us as your new Accountant, we will need details of your previous accountant and will ask details about the entity(s) that will be coming across.
- We would then send a letter (referred to as an ethical letter) advising that we will be taking over the account and requesting the necessary paperwork.
- The previous accountant will send a response back and will include all necessary information (on most occasions).
- Either at your initial meeting or once the ethical response is back it will be outlined what services you wish to use for instance; bookkeeping / tax planning / financial statements.
- You will be added to relevant systems and databases and you will be sent an engagement letter to read, sign and return. This is your final step of becoming a new client.
Asking for referrals from others in business is a great way to find a recommended Accountant. Having a meet and greet meeting is also a good idea and with PLH Accountants you receive a free business health and wealth check with our Small & Medium business specialist, Peter!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 4934 4260 or email us on reception@plhaccountants.com.au.
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