Cash Vs Accrual

Cash Accounting Cash accounting tracks the actual money coming in and out of your business. It is based on when the money physically goes in or out of your account. In cash accounting: When you get an invoice – you don’t record the cost in your books until you have paid the invoice When you

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Let’s Talk SCAMS

Scammers are looking for new ways to trick people daily. They trick people into handing over money or sensitive information. When it comes to ATO scams, there are some signs that will help you spot the real from the scammer: The ATO will NEVER: Threaten you with immediate arrest Cancel your TFN Warrant your arrest

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The big question: What do I have for lunch today?

If you don’t work in an office, you might never understand the thought processes that go through your mind in the lead up to the magic lunch break. Accounting firms are no different. Some people are just naturally gifted in being organised and have a perfectly packed lunch each day. Some have yet to develop

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Spending your money: deliberate or downright impulsive?

It boils down to a want versus needs. Conscious or not, people create lists of their want to haves and nice to haves and assume their business needs will come together somewhere in the middle. They create A Venn diagram. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a prioritized list. This can help your accountant

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Employee Burnout

Preventing the dreaded employee burnout! The World Health Organization have recognised burnout as a medical condition in its International Classification of Diseases. Burn out is a significant and real issue! In the new classification, the WHO defines burnout as ‘a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed’. Its

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Our top 5 things that make for a great office environment

Team Spirit Our positive team spirit has been made from amazing people combining forces to work towards our goal. The possibilities are endless with a good team spirit. Great people Our people are what make us successful and great! You are only as strong as your weakest teammate. Communication An oldie but a Goldie, our

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