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Basic Accounting Terms & Their Meanings
This brief guide includes definitions, alternative words uses, and the importance of the words or concepts to Accounting.
Unsure about whether you can claim the tax fee threshold?
Applying for a new job and not sure which box to tick? The tax-free threshold can be confusing, so let’s break it down.
The JobKeeper Payment
The Federal Government has announced (as the third instalment of its Coronavirus Stimulus Package) the introduction of the JobKeeper Payment to assist eligible businesses and the self-employed that have been impacted by the Coronavirus Pandemic to continue to pay their employees.
UPDATE: Important Stimulus Package incentives that may help your business
As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, we understand that you may be facing all sorts of new challenges in your personal and business lives.
Stimulus Package Changes for Businesses: Immediate Write Offs
The Australian Federal Government has announced the increase of the Instant Asset Write Off amount from $30,000 to $150,000.
How the Australian Government’s $17.6bn Coronavirus Stimulus Package Affects Businesses with Employees
In light of the stimulus package released by the Australian Government on the 12th of March, 2020 we have compiled some information that’s relevant to you if you are a small to medium enterprise (SME) business owner with employees.
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