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myGovID Explained
myGovID is the successor to AUSkey, and it is the way you authenticate with the business portal, as well as a bunch of other services.

There are three things you need to know, and how they differ:
- myGov
- myGovID
- Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)
Most of you would have at least hear of myGov. It’s the governments system for accessing multiple government services in the one place. You can access this with a username and password (unlike my GovID which is an authorisation) myGov is targeted towards individuals, and not companies for example. Some things you can access through myGov are:
- Centrelink
- Medicare
myGovID is a newish app released by the Australian Government in order to make peoples lives easier when accessing online info provided by the government. myGovID is a simple way to identify yourself, rather than bringing out the old 100 points of ID. myGovID is used for business related government services such as the ATO Business Portal and Australian Business Register. Simply download the app and follows the steps to verify your identity!
Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM)
RAM is the new way we authorise people to act on behalf of our business, and to allow them to access government information and services of the business. From RAM, you invite team members to access your business and assign them permissions to see only what you would like them to see.
Download the myGovID app and get your digital identity set up, and using your new myGovID, login to RAM. Click link your business and follow the steps to link yourself to the business ABN. You must be the director or trustee of the business. If you need to invite others in, go the RAM home and click manage authorisations, fill in the details and select permissions. The invitee will need their own myGovID.
This all sounds like a hefty process – but we assure you it does make things much easier for you and your business in the end!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 4934 4260 or email us on reception@plhaccountants.com.au.
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