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Sole Traders ATO App

The ATO App has been revamped and refreshed for a more seamless experience! If you are a sole trader, it allows you to securely access a personalized experience that will simplify your interactions with the ATO.
You can quickly and easily:
- See when lodgements and payments are due
- View your income tax and activity statements
- Quick access to ATO to make payments, or for a breakdown of transactions and payment plan details
- Keep your business and personal details up to date
- Check the details of your registered agent
- Access ATO for further details, to lodge, pay or make updates
The app also has helpful tools and calculators, such as:
- myDeductions – capture and store your tax receipts and upload the data to your tax agent or directly to your tax return. This can be utilized by sole traders or individuals.
- Tax withheld calculator – check how much tax should be withheld from salary or wages
- ABN look up tool – search for a business’s ABN and view other public information
To start using the ATO app, download it from Google Play or the App Store.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 4934 4260 or email us on reception@plhaccountants.com.au.
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